Call for Submission

CSMSS International Journal of ISM is a Biannual electronic journal of CSMSS Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Rugnalaya  publishing research papers in broad specialty areas of medical sciences that are deemed to be of practical value for the daily practice of medicine. It is a multispecialty journal. The journal tries to adhere to the guidelines of COPE. The journal is open access and freely accessible for all. The journal also does not charge any article submission, processing or publication fee.

We invite UG-PG students/ researchers/ faculty to submit their research work as original articles, short articles, review articles, qualitative research, case reports, case series or letters

 to the editor.

Please check the “guidelines for authors” for more details

General Guidelines Before Submission

Original and unpublished work: Only previously unpublished work should be submitted. Material that has been partly presented or presented as an abstract elsewhere should be acknowledged in a note. Materials submitted to the journal must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. On acceptance, the manuscript must not be published elsewhere in similar form, in any language or any medium, without the written consent of the CSMSS International Journal of ISM.

Authorship: All individuals who are listed as authors of a manuscript must have participated sufficiently in the conception and design of the work and analysis of data (if applicable) as well as in the writing of the manuscript. The authors must also believe that the manuscript represents valid work and must have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and approved it for publication

Any alteration in authorship after submission must be approved by all authors. This applies to additions, deletions, changes in authorship order or in attributed contributions, and such alterations must be explained to the journal. Authors may be contacted to ascertain whether they have agreed to any alteration.

Authors contribution:Each author’s contribution should be clearly mentioned in terms of conceptualization, design, data collection, implementation, data analysis, interpretation, and manuscript writing. All authors should have reviewed and approved the final version of manuscript.

Data availability statementA statement on data availability has to be included before the references. Authors may use following statement:

Data is available in public domain OR Request of data may be made to the corresponding author

AI disclosure: Mention whether AI was used in manuscript preparation. If used,
  • Disclose and describe the contribution of AI in writing the manuscript.
  • All authors should accept full responsibility for the contents of the manuscript and its supplementary material (text/ tables/ figures).

Copyright and declaration form: Corresponding authors should submit the scanned copy of copyright and declaration form with signature of all authors.

Permission: For content taken from any form of copyrighted material, such as direct quotations, figures or tables, authors must have obtained written releases from the copyright owner for its use, and would be responsible for any permission fees incurred. The original source must also be acknowledged in the submitted manuscript.

Ethical considerations: Our journal adheres to the ethical principles outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) available at:

Research that involves human participants also includes studies that use only human blood, tissue, or medical records. Authors should confirm review of the study by an appropriate institutional review board or affirm that the research was conducted according to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki ( Manuscripts involving experimental investigations on human should include a statement that the research protocol was approved by relevant institutional review boards or ethics committees and that all human participants gave written informed consent.

For studies among participants involving vulnerable group (eg. children, pregnant women, sex workers, tribal population, sub-ordinate workers, prisoners etc.), additional safeguard measures should be executed and reported as per the CCRAS guidelines. For studies among children in 0-6 years age group, written informed consent of the parents or the legal authorized representative (LAR) should be taken and reported. For studies among children in 7-18 years age group, assent of the child along with the written informed consent of the parents or LAR should be taken and reported. Oral informed assent for children in 7-11 years age group and written informed assent among children in12-18 years age group should be taken and reported.

If authors did not obtain institutional review board approval before the start of the study, they should state and explain the circumstances. If the study was exempted from review, authors should state that such exemption complied with the policy of their local institutional review board.

For animal subjects, animal care and licensing guidelines under which the investigation was performed must be reported in accordance with the Animals in Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) statement.

Withdrawal of an article: The author can send a request email and withdraw the article at any point of time, before publication.

Electronic submission: Manuscripts addressing topics in any discipline of Ayurved sciences (Indian System of Medicines) that are deemed to be of practical value for the daily practice of medicine will be considered for review by this journal. All contributions should be submitted, electronically to https://.in/upload/ Authors are requested to submit the text including tables and artwork in electronic form to this address.

Please note that the journal reserves the right to make modifications in the language, grammar, presentation, etc. to fit the journal’s requirements.

Types of paper

Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication:
Editorial, Opinion Paper (Thought Leadership Article), Full Length Article (Original Research Article (Experimental), Original Research Article (Clinical), General Article, Pedagogy), Case Report (Case series), Short Communication, Review Article, Short Review, Discussion (Discussion Kernel, Commentary), Feature Article (Life Profiles, Vignette, Initiatives, Review of landmark articles), Correspondence (Letters), Product Review, Book Review, Practice Guidelines, and E-Publication (News and comments, Future events, Conference Report)

Editorials: Editorials are written by the Editorial Board member or by Guest Editorials specially invited by the Editor-in-chief. Restrict manuscript to about 1500 words and about 15 references.

Opinion Paper
Thought Leadership Article: Please restrict non-structured abstract to 250 words and manuscript to about 2000 words (excluding about 20 references)

Full Length Article
Original Research Article (Experimental): Please restrict the structured abstract to 250 words (background, objectives, material and methods, results, conclusions) and the manuscript to about 5000 words (excluding about 70 references) and 8 non-text items. Experimental Research articles report authors' original (other than clinical) research of a more technical and specialized nature. They may include studies meant for standardization of raw drugs and finished formulations, toxicity and efficacy studies, studies exploring significance of Ayurvedic pharmaceutical processes. Studies involving integrative methods/techniques for standardization of drugs and diagnosis of diseases based on Ayurvedic classical guidelines will be appreciated. Authors should mention details of authentication of raw drugs and finished formulations used, animal ethics committee clearance (if applicable) and guidelines followed for the study. For all biochemical/laboratory procedures, either provide sufficient details or a reference for the relevant details. Provide name and address of the manufacturer for trade names or commercial products. Please follow ARRIVE guidelines for reporting in-vivo research 


Original Research Article (Clinical): This section reports clinical research, within the scope of AYUMED Journals. Clinical studies may include clinical trials, cross sectional studies, case control and cohort studies.

Research conducted on humans should be in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the principles of Good Clinical Practices wherever applicable. Approval of research by the relevant ethics committee is mandatory and should be mentioned wherever applicable.

Protection of Patients' Rights to Privacy: Any information that could reveal identity of individuals in written descriptions, photographs, sonograms, CT scans, etc., should not be included in the manuscript unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian, wherever applicable) gives written informed consent for publication. Informed consent should be mentioned in the article. The journal office may ask for a copy of the consent form, original data, which should be provided on request.

Restrict the structured abstract to 250 words and the manuscript to about 5000 words (excluding about 70 references) and 8 non-text items. Each manuscript should clearly state an objective or hypothesis; the design and methods (including the study setting and dates, patients or participants with inclusion and exclusion criteria, or data sources, and how these were selected for the study). Authors should include the essential features of interventions; the outcome measures; the results of the study; a discussion section placing the results in context with the published literature and addressing study limitations; and the conclusions. Clinical trials (interventional studies) only those registered with Clinical Trials Registry- India (CTRI) will be considered for publication. The authors need to mention CTRI registration number in the covering letter and in the article file. All the randomized controlled trials should be described on the basis of revised CONSORT statement. Authors need to mention details about authentication of raw drugs and finished formulations used, ethics committee clearance, informed consents from patients and guidelines followed for the study. Provide name and address of the manufacturer for trade names or commercial products.

General Article: General articles report authors' original work of a non-clinical nature, concerning topics, either within the scope of AYUMED and experimental areas, or otherwise relevant to contemporary issues in Ayurveda, and Integrative Medicine. Please restrict the non-structured abstract to 250 words and the manuscript to about 3000 words (excluding about 50 references) and 5 non-text items.

Pedagogy: Articles by experienced Ayurvedic scholars of relevance to contemporary issues in education, teaching methods and approaches are expected in this section. Articles exploring epistemology, fundamental concepts and principles of Ayurveda, Yoga, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathic medicines for its better understanding, literary studies on historical, sociological and classics influencing current healthcare scenarios are appreciated. Restrict the manuscript to about 3000 words (excluding about 40 references) and 5 non-text items. An abstract is not required for a Pedagogy article.

Case Report
Case reports: Case Studies concern successful application of treatment, adverse events or novel observation of a single case. The cases should be unique, describing a great diagnostic or therapeutic challenge and providing a learning point for the readers. Restrict the manuscript to about 1,500 words (excluding about 20 references), 2 non-text items and include a non-structured abstract of up to 200 words. Please follow CARE Statement available on for structuring case reports. Patient's identity should not be revealed from the clinical photographs or CT/USG pictures.

Case Series: Case Series are collections of cases with similar exposure and / or outcomes. The case series about application of Ayurveda or Integrative Medicine to a specific pathology and illustrate efficacy of an unusual application of a traditional treatment, hopefully indicating a solution to some contemporary medical problem will be considered for publication. Restrict non-structured abstract to 250 words, manuscript about 3000 words (excluding about 40 references) and 4 non-text items.

Short Communication
Short communications may include important preliminary studies and reports. Please provide a non-structured abstract to 250 words and restrict the manuscript to about 1,500 words (excluding about 20 references) and 2 non-text items.

Review Article
Reviews may cover particular areas of Ayurveda or integrative medicine of relevance to contemporary issues. Review articles written by individuals who have done substantial work on a subject or by experts in the field are appreciated. They should be systematic, state-of-art comprehensive reviews of the subject including author(s) own inputs. A good review article may have author(s) claim / view after going through scientific literature pertaining to a specific area, reasons behind the claim / view, factual evidences discussing the claim / view and finally novel conclusions drawn after interlinking many research findings. The section titles should depend upon the topic reviewed. Authors submitting a review article should include a section describing the methods used for locating, selecting, extracting, and synthesizing data. These methods should also be summarized in the abstract. A review article should not be a mere compilation. Ayumed journals expects the contributor to give post-publication updates and advances on the subject of review. The update should be brief and should be sent as a letter to the editor, as and when major developments occur in the field. Restrict non-structured abstract to 250 words and manuscript to about 6000 words (excluding about 80 references) and about 8 non-text items.

Short Review
A short review is expected up to 2000 words with 20 references and non-structured abstract up to 200 words.

Discussion Kernel: A short pithy article concerning some issue of wide potential interest, which requires, and is designed to stimulate, further discussion and debate will be considered in this section. Restrict manuscript to about 1500 words (excluding about 20 references), 3 non-text items and non-structured abstract up to 200 words.

Commentary: Commentary is generally solicited from reviewers on very important papers. The limit is 500 words with no abstract.

Feature Article
Life Profile: Life profile of a legendary personality, physician/scientist of today or from the past who has contributed to Ayurveda, traditional medicine and integrative medicine will be considered for publication. The article should be legible, to the point, balanced, without any prejudice or preposition in mind and telling about the person to the fullest. The number of words spent on personal life should be limited and the article should be more focused towards his/her contribution in the field of Ayurveda or integrative medicine. The article should clearly pick up the qualities of the person which made him an important personality in the field and should illustrate the important scientific/scholarly works, and contribution to philosophy or clinical practice. Use of quality reference material is expected. Abstract is not required and restricts manuscript to about 2000 words (excluding about 20 references).

Vignettes: Vignettes retell incidents in the lives of great Vaidyas/scientists, which encapsulate and illustrate an important point about the philosophy, knowledge or practice of Ayurveda, a related AYUSH system, or integrative medicine. Focused interviews are also considered. Please restrict the manuscript to about 2000 words and 2 Photographs if available. For Vignettes, an abstract is not required.

Initiatives: Initiatives recount the history, philosophy, mission and activities of some important projects, institutions, organizations and associations making contributions to advance Ayurveda or Integrative Medicine healthcare, either locally or globally. Restrict the manuscript to about 3000 words (excluding about 30 references). Abstract is not required. Illustrative pictures and diagrams will be appreciated. Initiatives articles are solicited. The article may include points like focal theme of the initiative, planning and preparations done before implementation, problems faced during establishment of the initiative and how they were solved, current situation, on-going projects / programs, current problems if any, importance of the project / organization to Ayurveda or Integrative Medicine, contribution and response of Ayurveda and Biomedicine fraternities, future plans and directions, expectations from government authorities or stakeholders, appeal for feedback ( if any) and important links.

Review of Landmark Article: Review of Landmark Articles gives deep insights into a scientific paper representing a turning point in the history of any aspect of Ayurveda or Integrative Medicine. Articles will be solicited or commissioned. Please restrict non-structured abstract to 250 words and manuscript up to 3000 words (excluding about 50 references) with 5 non-text items.

Letter to the editor: Letters are welcome from all readers on topics, issues, and constructive comments pertaining to articles in recent editions of Ayumed, or to the works mainly of Ayurveda, other AYUSH systems and traditional medicine or Integrative Medicine. They must give a brief message with a clear objective. Restrict the manuscript to 1000 words (excluding about 10 references) and 1 non-text item.

Product review: Product review includes brief and evidence based information about any product, device, instrument or tool useful in clinical practice, research or translation. Restrict the manuscript up to 500 words with maximum two non-text items.

Book reviews:
Book reviews can be solicited by Ayumed editorial staff or commissioned ones. Readers are welcome to suggest high quality contemporary or historically important books on Ayurveda for review. Offers to review such books will also be considered. For unsolicited book reviews, the reviewer needs to upload a permission letter from the authors of the book. Please note that in both the cases (solicited or unsolicited book review) publisher / author(s) / reviewer(s) needs to send a copy of the book reviewed or to be reviewed to the Editorial Office at Mumbai.

The reviewer should highlight who the expected readers are, introduce readers to the book's content (but avoid repeating its table of contents), focus on the subject, its approach and novelty; inform readers about what is happening in the area which the book addresses; what is the state of knowledge in the subject; and how this new book adds, changes or breaks new ground in our knowledge of this subject. If the book is an edited collection of essays, or chapters by different individuals, give some idea of the overall theme and content, but be free to focus on specific chapters you consider particularly significant or worthwhile. A book review may include an introduction to the author(s), including the author's title and place of work and some information stating who the author is; a summary of the intended purpose of the book and its contributions to Ayurveda and integrative medicine; a description of the way the author approaches his or her topic; the rigor of research and scholarship; the logic of the argument and the readability of the prose. If possible, a comparison with earlier or similar books in the field, and an evaluation of the book's merits, usefulness, and special contributions may be included.

Abstract is not required and restrict the manuscript to about 2000 words and a jpeg image of the cover page of the book reviewed should be uploaded separately.

Practice Guidelines
Guidelines about clinical practice, research and education about Ayurveda, traditional medicine or Integrative Medicine will be published in this section. Please follow expected guidance for developers of reporting guidelines, available on

Natural product-based interventions
Ayumed welcomes papers on natural product-based interventions. The traditional knowledge relevance is essential for all submissions. The botanical materials used for the study should be chemically characterized and standardized using suitable analytical techniques to ensure reproducibility. Research related to medicinal plants, natural products, and botanical materials should generally conform to WHO guidelines on the quality of herbal and traditional medicine. Reporting of clinical trials on herbal intervention should follow CONSORT Statement for herbal intervention

Broad Specialities

· Rognidan

· Shalyatantra

· Rasashastra

· Rachana Sharir

· Dravyaguna

· Kayachikitsa

· Sharir kriya

· Swasthavritta

· Samhit and Siddhant

· Dravaguna

· Agadtantra

· Panchkarma

· Shalakyatantra

· Baalrog

· Stree rog and prasuto tantra.

Requirements as per type of an Article.

    Original article:
  • Structured abstract (Introduction, material and methods, important results/observations, discussion including conclusions) maximum 250 words;
  • Main article word limit 3000 (excluding abstract, title, tables, figures, references);
  • Maximum four tables and maximum four figures;
  • Maximum 40 references.
    Short article:
  • No abstract;
  • Main article word limit 1500;
  • Maximum one table and one figure;
  • Maximum 15 references
    Reviews/ Systematic review/ Meta-analysis:
  • Structured abstract (Introduction, material and methods, important results/observations, discussion including conclusions) maximum 250 words;
  • Main article word limit 3500 (excluding abstract, title, tables, figures, references);
  • Maximum five tables and maximum five figures;
  • Maximum 60 references.
    Qualitative research:
  • Unstructured abstract maximum 250 words
  • Main article word limit 3500 (excluding abstract, title, tables, figures, references)
  • Maximum five tables and maximum five figures
  • Maximum 60 references.
    Case study:
  • No abstract;
  • Main article word limit 750;
  • Maximum one table and one figure;
  • Maximum 10 references
    Case series:
  • No abstract;
  • Main article word limit 1000;
  • Maximum one table and one figure;
  • Maximum 15 references
    Letter to editor:
  • No abstract;
  • Main article word limit 750;
  • No table and no figure;
  • Maximum five references;
  • It should be related to some article published most recently.

Blinded Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript must not contain any authors’ identity revealing information. The plagiarism of any type will not be accepted. The article will be checked for plagiarism. In case of finding such high plagiarism the article will be rejected and sole responsibility will lie with author. Unless otherwise indicated, these guidelines are in accordance with “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals”.

  • Language: American English
  • Font Type: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12 points
  • Margin: Uniform margin of 2.5 cm (inch) from all sides
  • Spacing: Double spacing in text
  • Page numbers at the bottom right side
  • No indents for paragraphs
  • Justified text
  • No colons/hyphens/dashes after headings
  • All numbers less than 10 (except in case of % or as part of name) to be spelled out.
  • Sentences should not begin with numbers. If unavoidable, then the number should be spelled out.
  • Abbreviations should be mentioned completely at their first use in the text

Sequence for Manuscript.


The Title should be concise and informative. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.


The abstract should be typed on a separate page for original article and should not exceed 250 words. The abstract can be structured or unstructured. It should briefly state the purpose of the research, the methodology used, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, references should be avoided. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential, they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. Use American spelling and avoid use of general and plural terms, multiple concepts (for example, 'and', 'of')


The abstract should be followed by a maximum of 6 key words. (These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.)


It should start from general terms and then gradually describe the specific topic. It should describe the research gap and the need of the study. It should end with the aims and specific objectives. Abbreviations used should be defined at their first mention. It should be about 20% of the total word limit of the article.


The standard guidelines like STROBE, CONSORT, PRISMA, STARD, should be followed for writing paper as per study design. The reporting guidelines for different study designs are available at

    This section should include sub-headings as follows for original articles:
  • Type of study- Observational or interventional
  • Study design - Cohort, Case-control, Cross-sectional, Qualitative, Randomized Control Trial etc.
  • Study location/site
  • Study period
  • Participants and inclusion/exclusion criteria
  • Sample size estimation and sampling method
  • Variables and operational definitions- Outcome variables and all other selected variables with their operational definitions should be mentioned. All the units of measurements should be internationally accepted.
  • Data collection tools
  • Data collection procedure and quality checks
  • Data analysis- Tests/statistical operations used

The Materials and Methods section should not reveal the institution(s) where the work was performed.


Results should be presented in a logical sequence and depict the major findings or observations of the study. Avoid duplication of data in text and tables or figures. Results/ Observations can include following sub-headings:

  • Population - Describing the sample population and the demographic characteristics in brief
  • Outcome - Describe the outcome
  • Associated factors- Describe the associated variables/ risk factors- The statistical tests used should be mentioned. The actual P value should be written below the result/observation. If table is given, statistical test and P value should be included along with table.

Refer the tables or figures in text in numerical order as they appeared. Tables should be given at the end after reference, on separate page for each table.


It is expected that most of the discussion should revolve around your observations. Whenever sensitive or controversial or shocking/appalling statements are made, they should be supported by proper references. The author must substantiate the findings with appropriate reasons.Strengths and limitations with regards to study design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, generalizability of the findings, bias can be mentioned in discussion or separately.


The implication of the study should be mentioned as the conclusion


Recommendations if any, may be described


  • Please refrain from using end notes as references or automatic list numbering because these features are lost in conversion.
  • Reference numbers in the text should follow numerical order. It should be enclosed in parentheses ( ) and superscripted, followed by a punctuation mark as (1), or (2).
  • The reference style used by this journal is Vancouver numbered. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the List of Title Word Abbreviations. e.g. Kurman RJ, Shih IeM. The Dualistic Model of Ovarian Carcinogenesis: Revisited, Revised, and Expanded. Am J Pathol. 2016 Apr;186(4):733-47.
  • The reference style used by this journal will be applied to the accepted article by the publisher at proof stage.
  • Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
  • Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. If these references are included in the reference list they should follow the standard reference style of the journal and should include a substitution of the publication date with either 'Unpublished results' or 'Personal communication'.
  • Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.
  • Authors preferably refrain from quoting references more than 15 years old.
  • Use of the Digital Object Identifier services (DOI) is encouraged. A DOI can be used to cite and link to electronic articles where an article is in-press and full citation details are not yet known, but the article is available online. A DOI is guaranteed never to change, so you can use it as a permanent link to any electronic article.
  • Please note the format of such citations should be in the same style as all other references in the paper.
  • Web References: The complete web address (URL) should be given mentioning; (Available at https://...........……………………………………) .Then the date of last access should be mentioned as; (Accessed on: 1 February 2020). Any further information, if known, (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.) should also be given. For standard details authors are requested to refer;

Peer Review Process

Plagiarism check: All submitted articles will be checked for plagiarism using the software "iThenticate". As per UGC norms, similarities up to 10% will be accepted. In case of finding plagiarism of more than 10%, the article will be returned to the author for necessary corrections. If the plagiarism is more than 50%, the article will be rejected.

Assigning Editor and Editors’ responsibility: Each article will be assigned at least one member of the Editorial board. He/ She will disclose conflict of interest before further processing of the manuscript. In case of conflict of interest, another member will be requested to take over.

  • Editorial review and screening: After submission, the article will first undergo editorial review, where the article will be reviewed by the assigned member from the editorial board to ensure whether the article meets the journal requirements and is within the scope. If required, the article will be sent back to the author for minor revision, so as to meet the journal criteria.
  • Further, the assigned member from editorial board will arrange to send the manuscript for blinded peer review process.

Assigning reviewers and reviewers’ responsibility: All reviewers will be required to disclose conflict of interest before full review of the manuscript. If there is any conflict of interest, he/ she will communicate inability to review. Accordingly, the editorial board member will send the manuscript to another reviewer. Database of reviewers will be prepared and updated from the authors.

  • Double blinded review: Blinded article will be sent to two reviewers from the concerned subject for peer review.
  • He/ She will be requested to permanently delete the manuscript and will not use for any purpose after reviewing and submitting the comments.

Final decision and communication: The article will be provisionally accepted if both reviewers recommend. The comments from reviewers will be blinded and communicated to the author for suitable modifications. In case of non-recommendations from both the reviewers the article will be rejected and the decision will be communicated to author. In case of difference of opinion between two reviewers, the article will be referred to member from editorial board or a third reviewer. His/her opinion will be final. The decision made by the reviewers will be noted and the final decision will be made by the Editor and will be communicated to the author.

Revised  Manuscript Submission

If authors are requested to revise their manuscripts, they will receive an email with comments from the reviewers and editors. The revised manuscript should be done in track changes mode or highlight the changes and should address the reviewers’ and editors' comments. The revised manuscript should be submitted online through the same portal. The request of revision does not guarantee acceptance of manuscript. Final decision is subject to reassessment.

On Acceptance


After clearance from editor, corresponding author will provided with a PDF version for proof reading. Please use this proof only for checking the typesetting, editing, completeness and correctness of the text, tables and figures. Proofs must be checked carefully and returned within 48 hours of receipt. All instructions for proofing will be given in the e-mail which will be sent to corresponding author. Significant changes to the article as accepted for publication will only be considered at this stage with permission from the Editor, but authors should refrain from excessive alteration in proofs. It is important to ensure that all corrections are sent back to us in one communication. Please check carefully before replying, as inclusion of any subsequent corrections cannot be guaranteed. Proof reading is solely authors’ responsibility. The corresponding author will get two copies of printed journal.

We will do everything possible to get your article published quickly and accurately.


The journal does not levy any charge for submission, processing or publication of articles.

 CSMSS International Journal of ISM is an open access, peer reviewed journal and all Article Publishing Charges (APCs) are covered by the CSMSS Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Rugnalaya

Download Copyright Form (Mentioned below in a word File.)

Checklist for Submission

  • Initial file – Single Microsoft office word document including covering letter, acknowledgements, ethical considerations, recommended reviewers
  • Title page - Single Microsoft office word document including article title, name of authors with affiliation and corresponding author with contact details
  • Main article file- Single Microsoft office word document of blinded manuscript as per guidelines including title, abstract and key words, introduction, material and methods, results/observation, discussion, conclusions, references, tables, figure legends and captions, and disclaimer as applicable
  • Figures if applicable
  • Authors contribution
  • Data availability statement
  • Conflict of interest
  • Source of support
  • Copyright and Author’s Declaration form